Air Quality management Program
Program Manager Contact Information:
Air Quality Management Program Manager | 252-466-3631
The mission of the Air Quality Management Program is to provide guidance and coordination to the Air Station Command to plan, achieve, and maintain compliance with Federal, state, and local air quality regulations and promote the elimination, reduction, or minimization of air pollutants emitted to the atmosphere. As a major source of criteria and hazardous air pollutants, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point is required to maintain a Title V permit, a federally enforceable air operating permit issued by the state of North Carolina. The Title V permit governs most sources of air pollution at the Air Station. In addition, MCAS Cherry Point must comply with Department of Defense (DoD) and Federal facility requirements.
Marine Corps policy requires that all Marine Corps installations and activities comply with all applicable environmental requirements, which may include Federal, state, local, DoD, Department of the Navy (DON), Marine Corps, and MCAS Cherry Point rules, regulations, and requirements. Legal and other environmental requirements related to the Air Quality Management Program are maintained on the EM Portal.
A complete description of the responsibilities of the Air Quality Management Program is available on the EM Portal. Major components of the Air Quality Management Program include compliance with applicable sections of Air Quality Regulations:
Manage and comply with Title V permit requirements
Comply with National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
Maintain compliance with the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Risk Management Program
Manage Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) requirements
Implement the Navy Radon Assessment and Mitigation Program
Complete Energy Management and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions reporting
Track Alternative-Fueled Vehicles at the Air Station
Plan for Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
Specific training requirements are detailed on the EM Portal.
The risk of negative environmental impacts from MCAS Cherry Point operations may be assessed by analyzing the practices that occur at the facility. Aspects are the characteristics of these practices that can cause an impact to the environment or other resources. It is Marine Corps policy that all Marine Corps installations identify and assess the environmental risk of the practices and aspects associated with each environmental program. Significant practices and/or aspects associated with this program include:
When necessary, objectives and targets (O&T) are developed in order to minimize the environmental risks posed by the facility’s practices and to track progress towards achieving environmental goals. Any O&Ts related to the Air Quality Management Program and their associated actions to improve performance are maintained on the EM Portal. Currently, there are no O&Ts associated with this program.
The Air Quality Management Program is evaluated under each annual internal Environmental Compliance Evaluation (ECE) and each triennial Benchmark ECE. Findings and corrective actions from these audits are maintained on the EM Portal.
Refer to the program summary on the EM Portal for additional inspection requirements.