Mission: To procure supplies and services for assigned customers aboard MCAS Cherry Point, utilizing Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI), mandatory sources of supply, ServMart, Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GCPC), and the Regional Contracting Office (RCO).
Lead: (252) 466-3655
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=150113&s=419&dep=%2aDoD
Mission: To provide fast, friendly, and effective personal property and passenger travel services to authorized military and civilian members of the Marine Corps, as well as Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and other authorized DOD agency personnel and their family members moving into, within or out of the geographic area specified as the MCAS Cherry Point Area (Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Hyde, and Pamlico counties) of operations.
A full listing of resources can be found on the »Cherry Point DMO Public Web Page
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=99158&s=419&dep=*DoD&sc=14
Mission: To provide nourishing meals to the Marines and patrons authorized to subsist at government expense aboard MCAS Cherry Point and MCALF Bogue; to enforce Marine Corps SOPs and Orders in the oversight of the current Regional Garrison Food Service Contract utilizing the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan to monitor the mess hall contractor’s performance; and to apply uniform application of food service training, career incentives and recognition programs for food service operations and personnel.
MCAS - Cherry Point Mess Hall
Bldg. 3451
226 Fourth Avenue
Manager: (252) 466-9082
Hours: Mon- Fri Breakfast 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
Lunch 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dinner 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Weekends: Breakfast 6:30 a.m. - 8 a.m.
Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dinner 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Holiday: Brunch 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Dinner 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Mid Rats: 11 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Ice Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=99157&s=419&dep=*DoD&sc=16
MCALF - Bogue Mess Hall
Bldg. 8052
Manager: (252) 466-0617
Hours: Mon- Fri Breakfast 7 a.m. - 8 a.m.
Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.
Dinner 4 p.m. - 5 a.m.
Weekends: Closed
Ice Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=138359&s=419&dep=*DoD&sc=16
Links to Download the app: “Charge by Sodexo” from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for menus, hours, feedback links and information on the Fueled to Fight program.
Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/charge-by-sodexo/id1446936106
Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sodexo.bite.charge&hl=en_US&gl=U
Mission: To safely provide mobile (cold) refueling, hydrant (hot) refueling, and defueling support to the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing for both tenant and transient aircraft and for Fleet Readiness Center-East (FRC-E). This support includes requisition, receipt, storage, issue, quality control, and fiscal and environmental accountability of aviation fuel. To provide fuels support to Air Station Directorates, Haly-Burton Naval Clinic, visiting DoD aircraft, foreign government aircraft, commercial airlines (deployments/APOE) and Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field (MCALF) Bogue. The Fuels Department also maintains two 24-hour self-service vehicle refueling stations at Tank Farm A located on 6th Ave, and Tank Farm C located on Curtis road.
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=150114&s=419&dep=*DoD
Mission: To provide efficient, effective industrial engineering advice for both major and minor construction projects; to procure all Furnishings, Fixtures, & Equipment (FF&E), Command Support Equipment (CSE), and Personal Support Equipment (PSE) requirements for MCAS Cherry Point, the 2nd MAW and tenant units aboard the Air Station.
Official Mailbox: CHPT_STATION_FURNITU@usmc.mil
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=150115&s=419&dep=*DoD
Mission: To provide non-tactical motor transportation support to MCAS Cherry Point and tenant commands, with organic and augmented transportation capabilities for the movement of personnel and all classes of cargo; to manage the non-tactical vehicle government driver’s license program; to provide organizational, intermediate, and select depot maintenance capabilities to sustain non-tactical motor transport, engineer, aviation ground support equipment, and other motorized equipment owned by the installation; and to provide for the complete life cycle program management of the Commanding Officer’s non-tactical vehicle fleet.
Official Mailbox: chpt_vehicle_req_omb@usmc.mil
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=98978&s=419&dep=*DoD&sc=30
Mission: To provide Class V munitions support to Aviation and Ground tenant and transient units operating aboard the Air Station and outlying airfields; and to apply uniform application of Ordnance training, career incentives and recognition programs for Ordnance operations and personnel.
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=99144&s=419&dep=*DoD&sc=14
Mission: To maintain the MCAS Cherry Point Commanding Officer's Garrison Property/Garrison Mobile Equipment Property Account; to implement and comply with policies and procedures in providing oversight for personal property management aboard MCAS Cherry Point.
ICE Feedback: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=150118&s=419&dep=*DoD