The original headquarters squadron for MCAS Cherry Point was activated at Cunningham Field, Cherry Point, in August 1941. Later that year, on Dec. 1, it was designated as Headquarters Squadron, U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point. On Feb. 25, 1954, Headquarters Squadron received its present designation of Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point.
From the beginning of World War II through today, the squadron has functioned as the administrative unit for every MCAS Cherry Point commander. Since its original activation, the air station's mission has been to maintain and operate facilities and provide "services and material to support forces of the Navy and other activities and units, as designated by the Chief of Naval Operations."
Operating the Marine Corps' largest air station is a huge task. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, with roughly 850 active duty service members, is the largest squadron in the Marine Corps. "The Rams" of H&HS support a multitude of services at Cherry Point, ranging from administration, logistics, law enforcement, air traffic control, aircraft rescue and firefighting, legal, food service, religious service, and many others. They have helped to prepare America's premiere warfighters for every conflict since World War II by providing and constantly managing outstanding living and training facilities.
The squadron earned two Meritorious Unit Commendations during the years 1985-1986 and 1990-1991 for meritorious service in the areas of administrative, operational and logistical support for Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, and all 2d Marine Aircraft Wing tenant commands.