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The United States Marine Corps Range Environmental Vulnerability Assessment (REVA) program meets the requirements of Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 4715.11 Environmental and Explosives Safety Management on Operational Ranges within the United States and DoD Instruction 4715.14 Operational Range Assessments.
The purpose of the REVA program is to identify whether there is a release or substantial threat of a release of munitions constituents (MC) from the operational range or range complex areas to off-range areas. This is accomplished through the use of screening-level fate and transport modeling and analysis of indicator MC based upon site-specific environmental conditions at the operational ranges and training areas at an installation. Range Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Periodic Review Report Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point North Carolina
Commanding Officer Environmental Affairs Department Marine Corps Air Station PSC Box 8006 Cherry Point, N.C. 28533-0013 Comm: (252) 466-4186 Fax: (252) 466-2000